Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can purchase your props or you can follow the below recommendations for household items to use as a replacements.

    Unless you have a ballet barre at home you can use a sturdy chair as a barre replacement, or a kitchen countertop or the back of your couch. Something stable to hold on. When you pick a chair consider the height of the back. It's ideal to have one that is higher than your waistline. Water bottles or soup cans as hand weights. Use a small old beach ball, or a pillow, as a replacement of a fitness sponge ball. In case you purchace a 9” fitness ball, don't over inflate - you want it a bit squishy.

    Sliders: you'll need to consider the type of floor where you are going to practice (i.e. hardwood, tile, carpet); if you work on an hard floor or tiles you can use an old dish towel; if you work on a carpet you can use a paper dinner plate. You will need two paper plates and two towels.

    An exercise mat: yoga mat or Pilates mat or your carpet.

    But if you're ready to upgrade your goods... here's what I recommend. Most of these items can be found on Amazon, Target or at your local Sporting Goods Store. See a list of props and suggested items:

    Equipment for Barre classes:  

    • A sturdy chair or barre 

    • An exercise mat 

    • Light dumbbells (no more that 5lbs each) 

    • Sliders* 

    • A 9” sponge ball 

    • Resistance Bands* 


    Equipment for Pilates classes: 

    • An exercise mat 

    • Light dumbbells (no more that 5lbs each) 

    • 9” sponge ball 

    • Magic Circle*

    • Resistance Bands* 


    *Some of our classes use props (sliders, resistance bands and magic circle). Please check the schedule to see what props will be used during the class.

  • If you wonder why a virtual studio? Whether you are travelling for business, on vacation, a new mom, or just would prefer to workout in the comfort of your living room, there many advantages to remote classes. All you need is an internet connection, a reasonable amount of floor space and some comfortable clothes to workout in. Pilates and Barre are a wonderful body and mind connection practice. But getting to a studio can be time consuming + expensive. The busier we get, the harder it gets to find time for ourselves. Make your mat time matter, everywhere with a virtual program.

    The time + money saved with an at-home, or everywhere workout program is irreplaceable.

  • Yes, each membership comes with a 7- day free trial. *Trial available for FIRST TIME PURCHASES ONLY. You will be charged a nonrefundable subscription fee on the 8th day of your membership . After the 7 day trial, you will be charged the monthly or yearly plan chosen. The membership will automatically renew.

  • We use both Stripe and PayPal as method of payment.

  • Yes, you have the ability to cancel your subscription at any time.

  • Props can enhance and support your Pilates, Barre, and Stretch experience. Some of our classes use props (sliders, resistance bands and magic circle). Please check the schedule to see what props will be used during the class.  

    We've included links to our suggested props here (prices and availability may change):

    Small Ball - $14.95 on Amazon

    Resistance Band - $11.15 on Amazon: Makes up to three bands!

    Sliders - $7.20 on Amazon

    Hand Weights - $50.74 on Amazon: Set of 2, 3, and 5 pound dumbbells

    Magic Circle - $24.95 on Amazon

    • Pilates Mats - $27.38 on Amazon for Thick, $23.99 on Amazon for Thin

  • Set up for your virtual class- Before the class, I strongly recommend you to check you have all the props and equipment you need for the class- Grab a bottle of water and make sure you have enough room around so you can move in a safe way. Make sure to set up your device before the beginning of the class ( computer- Tv- cell-phone- laptop…) in a way you can see your instructor and if you choose to be seen by the instructor on the video. Be prepared to move your device to the ground when transitioning from a standing position to the ground for more core related work. Usually we spend the last 10 minutes of our Barre classes lay down on the mat for core work.

    Here are a few best practices for taking virtual fitness classes:

    THE BIGGER, THE BETTER FOR YOUR VIEWING DEVICE. If you can stream your workout on the TV, do it. If you can stream your workout on your laptop, do it. But if you are travelling and have just a phone screen you’ll have to get up close to it and may have trouble seeing everything you need to do, but it is still very worth it.

    POSITION MATTERS. Set your viewing device up on an elevated surface for standing work, and on the floor for mat work. Try to set up your viewing device at eye level for your standing work. When transitioning from standing to the ground consider to move down your device. So this is where a larger viewing device is helpful. Do not strain your neck to look to the side while doing exercise on the ground. You may need to move your device when you’re doing floor work, so keep this in mind. Maybe pause and, turn to watch the instructor demo the first couple of repetitions, then get into the moves and use your listening muscles to make your own body adjustments moving forward, without straining your neck to watch the screen.

    ➼ CLEAR YOUR SPACE. Move things out of the way so you have plenty of space for full-out movements. Give yourself all the space you need to complete a workout, rather than limiting your range of motion and risking kicking, punching or falling on a coffee table. It’s great to use a mat for all floor work too.

    ➼ BE ON TIME AND STAY THROUGH THE END. It’s super important to arrive for the warm-up and stay through the cool-down and stretch. While we are all busy and ready to move on to the next thing, a proper workout has a beginning, middle and end. It can be so tempting to turn off your virtual class and get back to life after the last working set, but I encourage you to stay doing until the class is over.

  • There are no refunds. You may cancel your account at any time, please be aware that we don’t give any refund from your membership purchase. In case you are thinking to subscribe to the yearly fee, we want to be sure you wish to stay for one year.

  • You do not need any Pilates and Barre experience to get started. You will learn proper techniques trough the practice so that you can make progress and build strength and confidence with every class.

  • It is an online virtual studio located in Seattle, that offers Pilates and Barre membership programs. Owned by a Pilates and Barre instructor, Italian born, and “adopted” by the emerald city of Seattle. The studio membership includes Pilates and barre weekly live classes and a library with videos and tutorials for at home workout classes. The owner’s desire for the studio is to build and promote a positive environment for busy women who struggle to find time to exercise that want to reclaim their relationship with their bodies again in a non-judgmental environment. There is no place better than your home when you don’t have time to commit to exercise. Roll out of bed at 6 in the morning and join a barre or Pilates class. Have a break at noon and come into your barre or Pilates class. So, you can use your time instead to get into the gym to get into the practice and back to your everyday life-work commitments.

  • 1. Exercise and movement, energy healing has helped me fight depression. I found my way out of feeling like a human disaster with low self -esteem and I must share what I discovered, “movement is energy, energy that heals”.

    2. I live on people, art, travel, body movement and energy.

    3. The sun is my favorite season! I love pizza, strawberries, oysters, and chestnuts that make me feel like a child again. I love to ride with my 1972 blue vespa, Isotta that I bought when I was 16th and I brought in from Italy.

    4. I am still shy when it comes to communicate in English. It’s taken a lot of courage to start this.

    I would love to hear 4 things about you at: